Developing brand book

Brand book development  is a multi-step process. A responsible approach to each of the stages is the key to a unique, high-quality and competitive corporate identity.
The brand book carries information about the general concept of the brand, the target audience, the product that is being promoted on the market, and also, this is a very important document for marketing, without
whose business development becomes impossible.

Stages of brandbook development

  • collection of information on the activities of the company, the services / goods provided by it
  • corporate identity concept development
  • determination of the main idea of ​​corporate identity, selection of suitable fonts, symbols, development of sketches
  • selection of elements of corporate identity and advertising media (business cards, notebooks, folders, leaflets, booklets, pens, bags, souvenir products)
  • patent protection against the use of elements of your corporate style by other companies.

For more information, as well as for an accurate calculation, please contact our consultants.

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